Wednesday 20 May 2020

Appearances are deceptive - a story to prove the point

                     Appearances are deceptive                                     This is a true story, which was told to us at our first customer relation training programme. This story since then has become my guiding light. Here it goes..                                      A couple of years ago, in a branch of a bank in Chennai , a very old man walked up to the reception desk.  The lady behind the counter was busy on a call,  the man waited patiently , once she had finished her call the old man expressed his desire to meet the manager. The lady looked at him and rather curtly informed him that the manager was busy and that he would have to wait.  The lungi kurta clad old man wearing rubber slippers smiled and took a seat on the nearby sofa. The receptionist continued her calls, after an hour, the old man calmly  and politely inquired if he could meet the manager. On this she snapped at him and replied that the manager was a busy man and that the old woman man would have to wait. The old man quietly took his  seat on the sofa again and waited for a couple of more hours, inquiring about the manager at regular intervals. The lady did not even realise, when the old man left. The next morning, the manager of that branch received an email from the  head office informing him about a major client closing down all the accounts and  fixed deposits worth crores  from that Bank. Also informing him that there was a mail from the chairperson off the  withdrawing company which read like " if your bank has no  respect for our time and people walking into your bank are  adjudged and  thereby treated on the basis of their appearances,  then  we are not interested  in liasoning with such an organisation. After reading this mail all hell broke loose in the  branch and the bank manager with great difficulty got to the root of the matter and came to a  conclusion that the humbly  dressed gentleman who had so patiently waited to meet him was the chairperson of the withdrawing company.

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