Tuesday 17 December 2019

#sportsday #sportsdayspeech #speech #english #speechinenglish #sports


                              A very warm welcome to all present here on this                          crisp December morning. We all at  (schools name) are honored to have such an enthusiastic audience for our Sports Day.  I speakers name) thank you all for giving us your prized time.  Our life is so much like SPORTS, when compared to various games, it is easy tosee how they teach us the essence of life.  The life's mantras are so evident when we play or witness a sport.       Sports shows us that"Hardwork always pays off", practice is the key to perfection , patience and discipline takes you to the next level, staying alert, strong, fair and focused gets us closerto our goals.                                                         Thus, SPORTS has to be an integral part of our life.
                           Its an honor to stand here and thank all who have made this Sports Day spectacular. We thank our Chief guest (name) for coming and gracing our event. A Big thank you to our Principal for always encouraging us to think out of the Box and back our ideas. Our teachers for their relentless support and unending patience, Our Support staff , our maushis, driver conductor team on each school bus for being available and helping with a cheerful smile. Our parents for making sure that the kids are well rested well fed and brought to practice every single day.  And ofcourse most importantly our children, the stars of todays event. They have braved the hot and cold, toiled hard to give us such an amazing show. thank you " our little angels" we all love you and are very proud of you. And all our audience , without you all there is never a performance or an event. Thank you for showing your support and appreciation by coming for the event. Wishing You all a sparkling Christmas and a Smileful Healthful New Year. STAY BLESSED

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