Saturday 21 December 2019

#dialoguewriting #timemanagement #dialoguebetweenfriends #importanceofTimeManagement #time #howtomanagetime #adialogue #needofthehour

Dialogue Writing:
Between two friends one explaining the other “ importance of TIME MANAGEMENT”

1st : Hi Friend , how are you?
2nd: I am good. How about you? 
1st: Me feeling wonderful. After all, have had a good 8 hours sleep last night.
2nd: 8 hours that superb. I barely manage to get about 5 hours.
1st 5 hours of sleep??? That’s way too less brother.
2nd: I am aware of it , but what to do, there are too many things which need to be finished.
1s:  How come you have so much undone? Don’t you plan your work.
2nd: Have been wanting to streamline my work since a long time, but haven’t yet figured out how.
1st: one needs to remove time for all these important things. Because, once you have your work pattern established, you will have lots of time on hand.
2nd: That sounds interesting, would you please give me some tips on time and work management.
1st: My dear friend its no secret that most important aspect of planning any thing is to get the facts right. Once this basic information is available its very easy to plan your work . When you are aware of details like WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE and BY WHEN IT IS TO BE DONE only then can you start planning on HOW DO YOU NEED TO DO IT.
2ND Wow, that sounds easy.
1st Yes it is, only if you abide by it day in and day out. I have been following these golden rules since their importance who explained to me by my father.
2nd. Thank you so much dear friend. You have helped me realise that time management is really not very difficult. Its actually all about getting to do a particular job systematically and most importantly, on time.
1st The pleasure is all mine. I believe that the equation is very simple .If these steps are followed you will almost never need to have sleepless nights and stress because of incomplete work. And yes, this will also be instrumental in you have ample time to pursue your hobbies without any guilt.

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