Saturday 7 December 2019



Topic: Safety Issues around our society

Ganesh Society, 
Sector -12, A 1504, 
Akshardham  ,
Mumbai 400003

Subject:  Safety Issues around our society

Respected Sir/Mam, 

                                Myself Arjun S. writing on behalf of the residents of our society. First and foremost , please accept our congratulations to your entire team for always swiftly acting on residents complaints and inviting residents participation in maintaining law and order in our area.When we have such a strong team for our protection it becomes very important for us citizens also to be extra vigilant.
                                Keeping our role in mind,  I would like to bring to your notice a rather peculiar behaviour of some local boys from the nearby garage. Because of my nature of work I tend to return at odd hours , since a couple of days I have observed that these boys are around our society even after their working hours and the garage being long shut. most of these boys do not reside in our  area. So, i find it rather strange for them to be hanging around at such odd hours.
                                 We are sure that you and your team would get to the bottom of this at the earliest
Thanking you

Arjun S.

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